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Carey Glass

COVID-19 And Its Secrets For Complex Change: A Model For Immediate Use

A Talk by Carey Glass (Management Consultant, Organisational Psychologist, Change With Ease)

About this Talk

Worldwide, we all have opinions about the management of COVID-19. It provides a profound example of how to work with, and how not to work with, complex change.

Analysing responses to COVID, this talk provides a simple framework that leaders can use immediately to adapt and drive their business success in constant complex change. I also discuss an example in which a 200% increase in productivity and a 20% increase in people engagement was achieved in 18 months at Highways England by moving to this highly adaptable way of working in the modern world.

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ONE Hour conversation to 3 businesses who are interested in chatting further. Email directly to Carey Glass.


About The Speakers

Carey Glass

Carey Glass

Management Consultant, Organisational Psychologist, Change With Ease